ETC Group's listings of Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin ETPs in Vienna follows listings in London (Aquis); Paris (Euronext); Amsterdam (Euronext), Zurich (SIX) and Frankfurt (Xetra)
Vienna, Austria. 18 August 2021 - ETC Group (, Europe's leading specialist provider of innovative, digital asset-backed securities, announces that it is listing its entire portfolio of market leading crypto exchange traded products (ETPs) on Austria's national stock market.
This will be Vienna's first listing of a carbon neutral crypto ETP - BTCE: ETC Group Physical Bitcoin (ticker: BTCE) - and the first listing of a Litecoin based ETP - ELTC: ETC Group's Physical Litecoin ETC (ticker: ELTC). ETC Group is also listing its Ethereum ETP - ZETH: ETC Group Physical Ethereum ETC (ticker: ZETH).
Traded on exchange regulated markets, investors can buy and sell the ETCs in the same way they would when trading conventional shares, with regulatory protections in place. ETC Group's institutional-grade crypto exchange traded products provide institutions as well as private investors the opportunity to add major cryptocurrencies to their portfolios while seamlessly trading on regulated markets through their conventional broker or bank. The cryptocurrencies are 100 % physically backed and central counterparty cleared.
Bradley Duke, CEO of ETC Group said: "We are delighted to list in Austria and on such a respected stock exchange as Wiener Borse. ETC Group provides exposure to bitcoin, ether, and litecoin through our 100 % physically backed cryptocurrency ETPs. Bringing our entire portfolio to the Vienna Stock Exchange continues ETC Group's leadership of the crypto ETP market by launching innovative digital asset classes for institutional and retail investors across European and global exchanges."
BTCE, ZETH and ELTC are supported in Europe by a network of world class Authorised Participants (APs) and Market Makers, experienced in cryptocurrency markets as well as the ETP markets. The APs ensure on-exchange liquidity and tight spreads, enabling traders to purchase in all sizes with the tightest spreads in the crypto ETPs market.
BTCE, ZETH and ELTC is issued by ETC Group and distributed by HANetf. The Market Maker on the Vienna Stock Exchange will be Lang & Schwarz.
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Potenzielle Anleger sollten eine unabhängige Beratung in Anspruch nehmen und die im Basisprospekt und in den endgültigen Bedingungen für die ETPs enthaltenen relevanten Informationen, insbesondere die darin genannten Risikofaktoren, berücksichtigen. Das investierte Kapital ist risikobehaftet und Verluste bis zur Höhe des investierten Betrags sind möglich. Das Produkt unterliegt einem inhärenten Gegenparteirisiko in Bezug auf den Emittenten der ETPs und kann Verluste bis hin zum Totalverlust erleiden, wenn der Emittent seinen vertraglichen Verpflichtungen nicht nachkommt. Die rechtliche Struktur von ETPs entspricht der einer Schuldverschreibung. ETPs werden wie andere Wer