- Eurex introduces Bitcoin ETN Futures, the first step in Eurex's portfolio of crypto derivatives
- BTCE™ - ETC Group Physical Bitcoin (ticker: BTCE) is the world’s most heavily traded Crypto ETP https://www.boerse-frankfurt.de/en/etfs '>[1]
- Eurex is the largest derivatives exchange in Europe
Frankfurt, Germany. 13. September 2021 - ETC Group ( etc-group.com ) , Europe’s leading specialist provider of innovative, digital asset-backed securities with over $1 billion AUM [2], announces the debut and live listing of Europe’s first Bitcoin Futures contract on Eurex, Europe’s largest derivatives exchange.
Bitcoin ETN Futures, which has been created and launched by Eurex, is based on ETC Group’s BTCE™ - ETC Group Physical Bitcoin (ticker: BTCE). The new futures contract, which starts trading today, will trade in Euros and be physically delivered in BTCE, which is 100% backed by bitcoin and can be readily redeemed by any investor for the underlying bitcoin. BTCE launched on Deutsche Börse XETRA in June 2020, and is now listed on multiple European exchanges as well as becoming the first European Crypto ETP product to offset its carbon footprint earlier this year.
Today’s listing of Bitcoin Futures, based on ETC Group’s leading Bitcoin ETP, marks another major milestone in providing institutions with financial products that allow exposures to crypto on regulated exchanges. The selection of BTCE by Eurex, Europe’s largest derivatives exchange, further establishes ETC Group’sleadership in the crypto ETPs, and is recognition of the quality of our products and their world beating liquidity. Bradley Duke, CEO of ETC Group
Bitcoin ETN Futures allows investors to track the price development of Bitcoin in a fully regulated on-exchange environment and based on a transparent price discovery of the underlying BTCE. Structured in a similar way as physical Gold ETCs, with an equivalent physical redemption mechanism in place, Bitcoin ETN futures are centrally cleared like any other derivatives traded on Eurex. Eurex’s standard clearing, netting, and risk management processes thereby come into effect, mitigating counterparty risk and reducing operational costs for market participants.
Cryptocurrencies are highly volatile, and your capital is at risk.
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Les investisseurs potentiels devraient rechercher des conseils indépendants et prendre en compte les informations pertinentes contenues dans le prospectus de base et les conditions finales des ETP, en particulier les facteurs de risque mentionnés dans ceux-ci. Le capital investi est à risque, et des pertes jusqu'à concurrence du montant investi sont possibles. Le produit est soumis à un risque intrinsèque de contrepartie à l'égard de l'émetteur des ETP et peut subir des pertes jusqu'à une perte totale si l'émetteur ne respecte pas ses obligations contractuelles. La structure juridique des ETP est équivalente à celle d'une dette. Les ETP sont traités comme d'autres instruments financiers.