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ETC Group Crypto Market Compass
Week 47, 2023

  • Introducing the new “Crypto Market Compass” – your weekly guide to successfully navigate Bitcoin & Cryptoasset Markets
  • Featuring the new “Cryptoasset Sentiment Index” – a composite index combining cryptoasset sentiment, flows, on-chain, and derivatives metrics
  • Cryptoasset Sentiment remains elevated following the election of Javier Milei as next Argentine president (Chart of the Week)
Crypto Market Compass | Week 47, 2023 | ETC Group

Chart of the Week

Cryptoasset Sentiment Index Crypto Sentiment Index
Source: Bloomberg, Coinmarketcap, Glassnode, NissonHedge,, ETC Group


Last week, cryptoassets mostly went sideways as the market was looking for new catalysts. Despite a relatively strong outperformance by high beta cryptoassets such as Solana, overall altcoin outperformance remained somewhat muted compared to the prior week.

Meanwhile, traditional assets such as global equities managed to gain significantly over the last week on the back of a continuing improvement in cross asset risk appetite which was due to a further repricing of the US Dollar (weaker) and monetary policy expectations (easier).

Overnight, the news broke that the libertarian and pro-Bitcoin candidate Javier Milei was elected as the new president of Argentina which buoyed cryptoasset market sentiment somewhat. In that context, overall cryptoasset sentiment remains somewhat elevated which implies that, barring any short-term approval of a spot Bitcoin ETF in the US, a short-term pull-back appears to be quite likely (Chart of the Week).

Cross Asset Performance (Week-to-Date) Cross Asset Week to Date Performance
Source: Bloomberg, Coinmarketcap; performances in USD except Bund Future
Top 10 Cryptoasset Performance (Week-to-Date) Crypto Top 10 Week to Date Performance
Source: Coinmarketcap

Among the top 10 crypto assets, Solana, Dogecoin, and Bitcoin were the relative outperformers.

However, overall altcoin outperformance vis-à-vis Bitcoin has continued to be fairly muted. Only 20% of our tracked altcoins managed to outperform Bitcoin on a weekly basis.


Our in-house Cryptoasset Sentiment Index has increased following the Argentine election outcome and is now firmly in bullish territory. At the moment, 13 out of 15 indicators are above their short-term trend.

Compared to last week, we saw major reversals to the upside in the Altseason index and BTC Put-Call Volume Ratio.

The Crypto Fear & Greed Index also remains in "Greed" territory as of this morning.

Meanwhile, our own measure of Cross Asset Risk Appetite (CARA) increased significantly last week on the back of a further repricing of the US Dollar (weaker) and monetary policy expectations (easier). This may explain the ongoing significant inflows into cryptoasset ETPs as well (see further below).

Performance dispersion among cryptoassets has declined slightly compared to last week but continues to be relatively high. In general, high performance dispersion among cryptoassets implies that correlations among cryptoassets have decreased which means that cryptoassets are trading more on coin-specific factors and that diversification among cryptoassets is high.

At the same time, as mentioned above, altcoin outperformance has continued to be low with only 20% of altcoins outperforming Bitcoin on a weekly basis. In general, low altcoin outperformance is a sign of low risk appetite within cryptoasset markets.


Last week, we saw yet another week of significant net fund inflows into global cryptoasset ETPs.

In aggregate, we saw net fund inflows in the amount of +189.8 mn USD (week ending Friday).

The very large majority of these inflows focused on Bitcoin ETPs (+161.8 mn USD) and Altcoin ex ETH ETPs (+18.8 mn USD). Ethereum ETPs attracted +9.0 mn USD in net fund inflows last week on the back of the news that BlackRock has officially filed for an Ethereum ETF in the US as well.

Meanwhile, thematic & basket crypto ETPs only experienced minor net fund inflows (+0.3 mn USD) last week.

The NAV discount of the biggest Bitcoin fund in the world - Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) – remains relatively narrow at the moment with around -10%. In other words, investors are assigning a probability of around 90% that the Trust will ultimately be converted into a Spot Bitcoin ETF.

Moreover, the beta of global crypto hedge funds to Bitcoin over the last 20 trading remains relatively low with around 0.8, implying that global crypto hedge funds are under-exposed to the market.


Overall, on-chain activity in Bitcoin remains relatively high at the moment.

For instance, although active addresses and new addresses on the Bitcoin blockchain have decreased slightly compared to last week, the Bitcoin mempool remains near capacity. The mempool is the queue of unconfirmed Bitcoin transactions.

In aggregate, we saw net fund inflows in the amount of +189.8 mn USD (week ending Friday).

The very large majority of these inflows focused on Bitcoin ETPs (+161.8 mn USD) and Altcoin ex ETH ETPs (+18.8 mn USD). Ethereum ETPs attracted +9.0 mn USD in net fund inflows last week on the back of the news that BlackRock has officially filed for an Ethereum ETF in the US as well.

Meanwhile, thematic & basket crypto ETPs only experienced minor net fund inflows (+0.3 mn USD) last week.

The NAV discount of the biggest Bitcoin fund in the world - Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) – remains relatively narrow at the moment with around -10%. In other words, investors are assigning a probability of around 90% that the Trust will ultimately be converted into a Spot Bitcoin ETF.

Moreover, the beta of global crypto hedge funds to Bitcoin over the last 20 trading remains relatively low with around 0.8, implying that global crypto hedge funds are under-exposed to the market.

Overall, on-chain activity in Bitcoin remains relatively high at the moment.

For instance, although active addresses and new addresses on the Bitcoin blockchain have decreased slightly compared to last week, the Bitcoin mempool remains near capacity. The mempool is the queue of unconfirmed Bitcoin transactions.

A high amount of transactions in the mempool usually indicates high demand for Bitcoin transactions and block space in general. The mean amount of transactions per block is also hovering near all-time highs above 4000 transactions per block at the moment.

This also shows up in the relatively elevated level of transaction fees as both median and mean relative fee in the Bitcoin mempool have increased to the highest level since May 2023 when the BRC-20 frenzy clogged the network.

In that context, the daily level of inscriptions has recently increased to a new all-time high as well most of which are text-based/BRC-20 inscriptions. The transaction count share of inscriptions has regularly clocked above 60% recently, implying that 3 out of 5 Bitcoin transactions contained an inscription on average.

Meanwhile, Bitcoin’s hash has also reached a new all-time high last week with 551 EH/s recorded just yesterday. So, Bitcoin miners continue to increase their hash rate ahead of the upcoming Bitcoin Halving  which is anticipated next year in April.

Exchange activity is still biased towards inflows. However, net exchange inflows of BTC have recently subsided as well. Over the last 7 days, most wallet cohorts experienced net inflows with the exception of wallets with a size of 1 mn – 10 mn USD which saw net outflows to the tune of 11.8k BTC from exchanges. In contrast, net exchange volumes for Ethereum remained very biased towards outflows. ETH exchange balances have recently reached a fresh 7-year low implying increasing supply illiquidity of Ethereum which tends be bullish.

On a very positive note, accumulation activity across various BTC wallet cohorts remains near the strongest observed year-to-date.


Open interest in both BTC futures and perpetuals decreased last week. CME remains the biggest futures market in terms of open interest ahead of Binance this week. The 3-months annualized rolling basis in BTC futures has decreased somewhat compared to last week but remains near year-to-date highs of around 7.5% p.a. BTC perpetual funding rates have mostly remained positive throughout the week across various exchanges.

On the other hand, BTC options open interest mostly went sideways in BTC-terms but still hovers near all-time highs. There was no significant change in relative put-call open interest for BTC options and only a minor spike in relative put-call trading volumes in favour of puts last week.

biased towards call options judging by the elevated 25-delta skew which currently shows an implied volatility premium of around 8.7% for delta-equivalent BTC call options with 1-month expiry.

Bottom Line

  • We are introducing the new “Crypto Market Compass” – your weekly guide to successfully navigate Bitcoin & Cryptoasset Markets.
  • It features the new “Cryptoasset Sentiment Index” – a composite index combining cryptoasset sentiment, flow, on-chain, and derivatives metrics.
  • Cryptoasset sentiment remains elevated following the election of Javier Milei as next Argentine president (Chart of the Week).


Bitcoin Price vs Cryptoasset Sentiment Index Bitcoin Price vs Crypto Sentiment Index
Source: Bloomberg, Coinmarketcap, Glassnode, NilssonHedge,, ETC Group
Cryptoasset Sentiment Index Crypto Sentiment Index Bar Chart
Source: Bloomberg, Coinmarketcap, Glassnode, NilssonHedge,, ETC Group; *multiplied by (-1)
Cryptoasset Sentiment Index Crypto Market Compass Subcomponents
Source: Bloomberg, Coinmarketcap, Glassnode, NilssonHedge,, ETC Group
Crypto Sentiment Indicators Crypto Market Compass Sentiment Indicators
Source: Coinmarketcap,, ETC Group
TradFi Sentiment Indicators Crypto Market Compass TradFi Indicators
Source: Bloomberg, NilssonHedge, ETC Group
Crypto Options' Sentiment Indicators Crypto Market Compass Option Indicators
Source: Glassnode, ETC Group
Crypto Futures & Perpetuals' Sentiment Indicators Crypto Market Compass Futures Indicators
Source: Glassnode, ETC Group; *Cumulative daily absolute change in BTC OI multiplied by sign of BTC price change
Crypto On-Chain Indicators Crypto Market Compass OnChain Indicators
Source: Glassnode, ETC Group
Bitcoin Price vs Crypto Fear Greed
Source:, Coinmarketcap, ETC Group
Bitcoin vs Global Crypto ETP Fund Flows BTC vs All Crypto ETP Funds Fund Flows Daily long PCT
Source: Bloomberg, ETC Group; Only ETPs & Grayscale Trusts
Global Crypto ETP Fund Flows All Crypto ETP Funds Fund Flows Daily short
Source: Bloomberg, ETC Group; Only ETPs & Grayscale Trusts
Grayscale Bitcoin Trust's NAV Premium/Discount Bitcoin GBTC NAV Premium
Source: Bloomberg, ETC Group
Bitcoin Price vs Hedge Fund Beta
Source: Coinmarketcap, Bloomberg, NilssonHedge, ETC Group
Altseason Index Altseason Index short
Source: Coinmarketcap, ETC Group
Bitcoin vs Crypto Dispersion Index Crypto Dispersion vs Bitcoin short
Source: Coinmarketcap, ETC Group; Dispersion = (1 - Average Altcoin Correlation with Bitcoin)
BTC Net Exchange Volume by Size Bitcoin Net Exchange Volume by Size
Source: Glassnode, ETC Group


Questo articolo non costituisce consulenza finanziaria, né rappresenta un'offerta o un invito all'acquisto di prodotti finanziari. Questo articolo è solo a scopo informativo generale, e non vi è alcuna assicurazione o garanzia esplicita o implicita sulla correttezza, accuratezza, completezza o correttezza di questo articolo o delle opinioni in esso contenute. Si consiglia di non fare affidamento sulla correttezza, accuratezza, completezza o correttezza di questo articolo o delle opinioni in esso contenute. Si prega di notare che questo articolo non costituisce né consulenza finanziaria né un'offerta o un invito all'acquisizione di prodotti finanziari o criptovalute.


Gli investitori potenziali dovrebbero cercare consulenza indipendente e prendere in considerazione le informazioni rilevanti contenute nel prospetto base e nelle condizioni finali degli ETP, in particolare i fattori di rischio menzionati in essi. Il capitale investito è a rischio, e le perdite fino all'importo investito sono possibili. Il prodotto è soggetto a un rischio controparte intrinseco nei confronti dell'emittente degli ETP e può subire perdite fino a una perdita totale se l'emittente non adempie ai suoi obblighi contrattuali. La struttura legale degli ETP è equivalente a quella di un titolo di debito. Gli ETP sono trattati come altri strumenti finanziari.

Informazioni su Bitwise

Bitwise è uno dei principali asset manager specializzati in criptovalute a livello globale. Migliaia di consulenti finanziari, family office e investitori istituzionali in tutto il mondo si sono uniti a noi per comprendere e cogliere le opportunità offerte dalle criptovalute. Dal 2017, Bitwise ha costruito una solida reputazione nella gestione di una vasta gamma di soluzioni, sia di indici che attive, per ETP, conti gestiti separatamente, fondi privati e strategie di hedge fund, sia negli Stati Uniti che in Europa.

In Europa, Bitwise (precedentemente ETC Group) ha sviluppato negli ultimi quattro anni una delle gamme di ETP su criptovalute più complete e innovative, tra cui il più grande e liquido ETP di bitcoin in Europa, BTCE. Questa famiglia di ETP cripto è domiciliata in Germania ed è approvata dal regolatore tedesco. Collaboriamo esclusivamente con aziende rinomate del settore finanziario tradizionale, garantendo che il 100% degli asset sia conservato offline (cold storage) tramite depositari specializzati e regolamentati.

I nostri prodotti europei comprendono una gamma di strumenti finanziari di qualità istituzionale, che si integrano perfettamente in qualsiasi portafoglio professionale, offrendo un'esposizione completa alla classe di asset cripto. L'accesso è semplice tramite le principali borse europee, con quotazione principale su Xetra, la borsa più liquida per il trading di ETF in Europa. Gli investitori privati beneficiano di un accesso agevole attraverso numerosi broker fai-da-te, insieme alla nostra robusta e sicura struttura ETP fisica, che include anche una funzione di riscatto.


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