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ETC Group appoints two senior executives

ETC Group appoints two senior executives | ETC Group

ETC Group appoints senior executives as company accelerates on continuous growth

Drew Corbett Drew Corbett MD, Strategy and Global Distribution
Rafael Zanatta Rafael Zanatta Head of Business Development

[London, 28th June 2021] – ETC Group, Europe’s leading provider of physically-backed cryptocurrency ETCs, has hired ETF veteran Drew Corbett as Managing Director, Strategy and Global Distribution and Rafael Zanatta as Head of Business Development in addition to appointment of DRW as new Authorised Participant.

Drew and Rafael join the team at ETC Group as Managing Director of Strategy and Global Distribution and Head of Business Development, where they will implement the company’s growth strategy across products and markets, extending their global listings. ETC Group has also officially welcomed DRW as an additional Authorized Participant (AP) joining prominent trading firms in the space such as Flow Traders or Jane Street.

With over 20 years of ETF experience, Drew brings with him a wealth of industry knowledge, previously working at ProShare and ProFunds as Head of International Distribution. Prior to that, Drew served as Head of Investment Strategy and Distribution at BetaShares Capital where he was responsible for business development, strategy and distribution.

Rafael brings his vast emerging markets knowledge and over 10 years of experience growing exchange traded products (ETPs), namely during his time at Eurex Exchange, the derivatives arm of Deutsche Börse.

This growing range clearly shows the intent of ETC Group to be the leading crypto ETC provider in Europe.

The dual hire will see Drew and Rafael supporting ETC Group’s ambitions to expand both the product range and market coverage globally.

On joining ETC Group, Drew said:

Having been involved in the evolution of the ETF market since 2001 I have enjoyed a front row seat to the most disruptive investment technology of the past 20 years. Decentralized Finance and Cryptocurrency present a new frontier for the financial markets as did Exchange traded products (ETPs) in the early 2000's.
ETPs will bring regulation, transparency and education to this new frontier. ETC group is well positioned to be at the forefront of the marriage and growth of these progressive financial technologies into the future. I appreciate the new and challenging opportunity with ETC Group.

Rafael, Head of Business Development said:

At ETC Group there is great scope to create more innovative products that bridge the gap between digital assets and traditional financial markets, and I am glad to join the company amidst a hot and growing market.
The past year has already been hugely successful for ETC Group, having featured the most traded Crypto ETP on XETRA to date and expanding our listings to SIX, Euronext and Aquis in the UK, as of the past month.

Bradley Duke, CEO at ETC Group said:

We have big plans at ETC Group and we need quality people to help refine and execute these plans. Both Drew and Rafael have extensive experience in the industry and we’re very excited to have them join the team.
ETC Group has always focused on delivering top notch liquidity for our products and having such a respected trading and technology firm like DRW join as AP is great news for us and for investors in our products.

As of 1st June, ETC Group’s Physical Bitcoin ETC by the ticker symbol BTCE is the first cryptocurrency exchange traded product to be listed on a UK exchange almost 1 year after its primary listing on XETRA becoming the world’s first centrally cleared Crypto ETP. BTCE also recently listed on Euronext Paris and Amsterdam.


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Les investisseurs potentiels devraient rechercher des conseils indépendants et prendre en compte les informations pertinentes contenues dans le prospectus de base et les conditions finales des ETP, en particulier les facteurs de risque mentionnés dans ceux-ci. Le capital investi est à risque, et des pertes jusqu'à concurrence du montant investi sont possibles. Le produit est soumis à un risque intrinsèque de contrepartie à l'égard de l'émetteur des ETP et peut subir des pertes jusqu'à une perte totale si l'émetteur ne respecte pas ses obligations contractuelles. La structure juridique des ETP est équivalente à celle d'une dette. Les ETP sont traités comme d'autres instruments financiers.

À propos de Bitwise

Bitwise est l'un des leaders mondiaux dans la gestion de crypto-actifs. Des milliers de conseillers financiers, de family offices et d'investisseurs institutionnels globaux se sont associés à nous pour saisir et exploiter les opportunités offertes par les crypto-monnaies. Depuis 2017, Bitwise affiche un palmarès impressionnant en matière de gestion de solutions indicielles et actives pour les ETP, les comptes gérés séparés, les fonds privés et les stratégies de hedge funds, tant aux États-Unis qu'en Europe.

En Europe, Bitwise (anciennement ETC Group) a développé au cours des quatre dernières années l'une des familles de produits crypto-ETP les plus vastes et les plus innovantes, dont le plus grand et le plus liquide ETP Bitcoin d'Europe.

Cette offre de produits crypto-ETP est domiciliée en Allemagne et autorisée par la BaFin. Nous travaillons exclusivement avec des entreprises réputées du secteur financier traditionnel et veillons à ce que 100 % des actifs soient stockés en toute sécurité hors ligne (cold storage) chez des dépositaires réglementés.

Nos produits européens comprennent une gamme d'instruments financiers soigneusement structurés qui s'intègrent parfaitement dans tout portefeuille professionnel et offrent une exposition globale à la classe d'actifs crypto. L'accès est simple via les principales bourses européennes, avec une cotation principale sur Xetra, la bourse la plus liquide pour le négoce d'ETF en Europe. Les investisseurs privés bénéficient d'un accès facile via de nombreux courtiers DIY, en combinaison avec notre structure ETP physique robuste et sûre, qui comprend également une fonction de paiement.


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