Institutions, pension funds drive Bitcoin adoption
Recent Bitcoin price weakness and continued volatility across the asset class belie a wave of
institutional adoption
that accelerated throughout 2021, ETC Group research shows.
Perhaps the most striking example of institutional adoption came from what is understood to be
the first public US
pension fund detailing a direct investment in Bitcoin, 12 years after Bitcoin's creation and six
years after the
asset became widely available to the general public through regulated exchanges [1] .
The Houston Firefighters Relief and Retirement Fund (HFRRF) was established by US state statute
in 1937 and its
stated mandate --
accessed 27 Jan 2022'>[2] is to
[practice] the
traditional philosophy of
asset allocation by maintaining percentage ranges of the assets in domestic stocks,
international stocks, bonds,
cash, private equity, alternative investments and real estate. Using an asset allocation
forces the Fund to be a
disciplined investor.
The pension fund, which looks after the retirement wealth of 6,600 firefighters and their
families, officially
crossed the Rubicon on 21 October 2021, purchasing $25m in Bitcoin and Ether --
accessed 27 Jan 2022'>[3] .
The investment
[practice] the
traditional philosophy of
asset allocation by maintaining percentage ranges of the assets in domestic stocks,
international stocks, bonds,
cash, private equity, alternative investments and real estate. Using an asset allocation
forces the Fund to be a
disciplined investor
Bsaid chief investment
officer Ajit Singh
$25m appears prudent position sizing. With $4.1bn in assets under management, that makes the
purchase 0.625% of the
HFRRF total AUM.
Source: HFRRF
As ever, the question of whether to allocate institutional capital to Bitcoin is down to the
particular preference of
an investment committee. But the asset is becoming ever more closely integrated with world
financial systems and has
demonstrated the potential for outsize returns over time.
While $4bn is a large amount of capital to deploy, it is relatively small in terms of global
wealth management.
Consider then CDPQ, the Caisse de depot et placement du Quebec known (in English language media)
as the Caisse. This
is the second-largest public pension plan in Canada, with AUM of 100 times that of HFRRF, a
whopping $389bn.
According to, CDPQ is the 12 th -largest public pension fund in the
world [4] .
It, too, made its first ever publicly-announced investment into cryptoassets in October 2021. By
investing in the
not-yet-public Celsius lending network [5] , CDPQ has
made a structural
long-term bet on the future of cryptoassets. And at $400m the investment is a sizeable one,
giving the DeFi
specialist a pre-market valuation of $3bn.
Canadian pension funds are known globally as among the most innovative and aggressive when it
comes to investments in
newer industries and alternative asset classes.
Ray Dalio, a billionaire crypto early adopter, told CNBC recently [6] that
a 1% to 2% allocation to the asset class is ‘reasonable', and the message appears to be
spreading. The Bridgewater
Associates founder is famous for his global macro style and his firm - with $150bn AUM - manages
assets for the most
conservative of conservative investors: central banks, foreign governments and pension funds
Ever greater numbers of institutional investors are looking at the cryptocurrency to see if it
could help them
protect their wealth as inflation hits four-decade highs in the US. These investors now range
beyond the
swift-moving high-net-worth individuals, hedge funds, family offices and private banks. Serious
due diligence
conversations are instead underway in the more risk-averse sections of the market: at
conservative pension funds,
and in wealthy university endowment programmes.
These types of investors are used to having a wide mix of investable assets on their balance
sheet: most notably
store of value assets like bonds and gold.
But in the most highly-charged, highest-inflation environment in living memory, gold actually
lost 4% of its value in
2021, while bond investors face the prospect of a decade of negative real rates.
It is worth quoting Andressen Horowitz here. In the reasoning for putting together
cryptocurrency infrastructure
investment funds worth $3bn+ they say 4 :
Historically, new models of computing have tended to emerge every 10–15 years: mainframes
in the 60s, PCs in
the late 70s, the internet in the early 90s, and smartphones in the late 2000s. Each
computing model enabled new
classes of applications that built on the unique strengths of the platform
In the 2020s, that new model of computing (and new classes of applications) are blockchains and
their decentralised
Bitcoin has achieved its status not by printing more BTC units. The opposite, in fact. Bitcoin
offers scarcity by
design, with its code creating relatively fewer BTC every year over time, until new issuance
ceases entirely around
2140. Compare this to the waves of excess cash created by central banks globally, and see for
reference this chart
of Bitcoin monetary inflation [7] , in which the number
of new coins issued
decreases in pre-defined steps every four years, when the number of new bitcoins created per
block of successfully
verified transactions is cut in half (known as the Bitcoin ‘halving').
Great mining migration continues to enrich US
The Bitcoin mining market experienced an incredible restructuring in 2021. An estimated 53% [8] of the industry was banned from the once-monopoly
dominant China in May 2021 and
publicly-traded and private miners forced to relocate almost overnight. We saw the incredible
story of Chinese
logistics firm Fenghua International airlifting 3.3 tons of Antminer S19 mining machines to
Maryland from Guangzhou
[9] . This shift has empowered US-based Bitcoin miners
to capture an ever
greater share of the Bitcoin hashrate: a measure of all the computing power dedicated to solving
complex equations
on the network in a bid to that verify blocks of transactions and be rewarded in new bitcoins.
For each block, or
set of transactions they mine, they receive 6.25 newly-created Bitcoins. With each coin now
worth in excess of
$30,000, the potential revenues on offer are extreme.
The pre-eminent researchers in the space are the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (CCAF)
who track the global
distribution of the Bitcoin hashrate. Their latest available figures recorded to the end of
August 2021 show that
once-dominant China now has effectively zero hashrate while the biggest winners are the United
States, Kazakhstan
and Russia.
Michael Rauchs, digital assets lead at the CCAF, noted the scale of the global shift in a 13
October post [10] .
He said:
The immediate effect of the government-mandated ban on crypto mining in China was
a 38% drop in global
network hashrate in June 2021 – which corresponds roughly to China's share of hashrate
before the clampdown,
suggesting that Chinese miners ceased operations simultaneously. New data reported by
partnering mining pools, Poolin, ViaBTC and Foundry confirms this observation: declared mining operations in
mainland China have
effectively dropped to zero, from a high of [75.6]% of the world's total Bitcoin mining in
September 2019 when
this data was first recorded.
As predicted by ETC Group in our Q3 2021 report [11] ,
Foundry USA has
been the biggest winner from China's wide-scale dismantling of its Bitcoin mining industry.
Because it is so
difficult for individual and even corporate miners to win block rewards, virtually all miners
connect to so-called
mining ‘pools', which aggregate their resources and distribute rewards in a pro-rata fashion.
Consider the chart of the distribution of resources across global mining pools.
October 2021
January 2022
Foundry USA has grown its share from
7.7% to 16.5% over
the period surveyed.
MARA Pool, too, remains a statistically-significant portion of the world's top mining pools.
This US-based pool
focuses on carbon-neutral mining, which will likely be a significantly larger focus of mining
pools going forward,
as regulators grapple with how to define regulations across Bitcoin's growing infrastructure.
Foundry USA says its
energy mix is leaning heavily towards renewables, with 71% non-fossil fuel based [12] .
The world's richest asset managers continue to invest heavily in Bitcoin mining, too. Earlier
this year, $9trn asset
manager BlackRock joined Fidelity and Vanguard by taking significant stakes worth a total of
$382m [13] in Marathon Digital
(NASDAQ:MARA) and Riot
Blockchain (NASDAQ:RIOT), two of the largest publicly-traded mining companies.
According to public filings with the SEC, BlackRock invested $206.7m to buy 6.71% of Marathon
Digital Holdings and
$176.1m to purchase 6.61% of Riot Blockchain stock.
The investments were spread across several of BlackRock's mutual funds and ETFs, including its
iShares Russell 2000
ETF. This means that millions globally now have exposure to Bitcoin - as these companies hold
the cryptoasset on
their balance sheets - and have indirect interest in the infrastructure that secures the Bitcoin
One other potential point of interest is in the use of the Bitcoin network as a way to utilise
‘stranded' natural gas
in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while at the same time creating a new source of
revenue for oil and gas
Miners like Riot Blockchain are continuing to buy up land in Texas [14] ,
one of the only states with a deregulated power grid [15] . That means
they can not only take advantage of low prices per kilowatt, but can make money selling energy
back to the grid at
times of high load.
Locally, legislators are rushing to push through crypto-friendly laws. In September 2021, Texas
became the third
state - after Wyoming and Rhode Island - to recognise cryptocurrency under commercial law [16] . That's big business. Lest we forget the amount
of money flowing through the Lone
Star State: if it were a country, Texas would boast the world's 10th-largest GDP [17] , as it produces more than Brazil, Russia and
South Korea.
While there are ongoing concerns about the energy-intensiveness of Bitcoin mining, the state of
play is not so clear
cut as media headlines might suggest. China's crypto mining boom was largely coal-based [18] and the government there is desperate to cut its
fossil fuel emissions to less than
20% of the total energy mix by 2060 [19] .
The wholesale shift to more regulated markets like the US and Canada also means that greater
numbers of Bitcoin
miners are using renewable energy, with some estimates putting the figure as high as 76% [20] .
Other solutions to allow miners to meet and exceed ESG targets are starting to appear.
Speaking at the Texas Blockchain Summit [21] on 8
October 2021, Senator
Ted Cruz noted [22] the huge opportunity Bitcoin
mining companies had from
using flared natural gas going to waste in oil fields across the state.
He said:
I think there are massive opportunities. Fifty percent of the natural gas in this
country that is
flared, is being flared in the Permian [Basin] in West Texas right now. I think that is an
enormous opportunity
for Bitcoin because right now, that is energy that is just being wasted
Senator Cruz is a member of the US Congressional Joint Economic Committee, which has a mandate to
report on the
economic condition of the country and make suggestions for improvements to the economy.
Other states are racing to catch up. In North Dakota, legislators passed a law this year making
oil producers
eligible for tax credits [23] if they employ on-site
flare mitigation.
Investment banks remain bullish on Bitcoin long-term
While 2022 is likely to be a turbulent year for the crypto market at large, institutional
investment banks like
Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan remain generally positive on the future direction of travel for
Two client notes released in the post-quarter period show the depth of interest in Bitcoin as a
store of value.
Digital asset market infrastructure is increasingly shifting institutional, as the world's
interbroker-dealer TP ICAP moves into trading crypto [24] . It comes as
little surprise that as their first trade they utilised the world's most liquid Bitcoin ETP, ETC
Group's BTCE, which
is physically-backed 1:1 with the underlying, centrally-cleared and trades on regulated
TP ICAP facilitates transactions between investment banks, hedge funds and other large financial
institutions. Which
is why the financial world sits up and takes notice of whatever it does. It has been trading in
Europe for clients
including Goldman Sachs, Jane Street and Flow Traders, digital asset leads Simon Forster and
Duncan Trenholme told
Coindesk [25] .
Trading an equity-linked product on an exchange is probably the easiest way for clients to
get comfortable with
digital assets, Forster said, adding that the firm had been active in trading ETPs such as
ETC Group's physical
bitcoin product, BTCE
- Will Canny , Coindesk, 10 January 2022
One of the bigger shocks for hedging traders is that last year, amid US inflation spiking to a
39-year high (and UK
inflation at a 10 year high, and EU inflation the highest since the euro was introduced), gold
prices slid 4% across
the year [26] to close out at $1,829. Traditionally
gold is seen as a
place to protect investor cash from inflation. It failed fairly spectacularly on that count in
2021. We know that
investors have been parking their cash in Bitcoin and crypto in ever greater numbers: as the
market cap of all
cryptoassets rose from $700bn in January 2021 to over $3 trillion by November 2021 [27] .
Zach Pandl, co-head of FX and emerging markets strategy at Goldman Sachs Group, released a
research note [28] on 4 January 2022 predicting
Bitcoin's potential move to $100,000 as
it continues to take ‘store of value' market share from gold.
The value of gold available for investment is around $2.6trn, while Pandl estimates Bitcoin's
float-adjusted market
cap is just under $700bn. That accounts for 20% share of the store of value market, which
Goldman says comprises
Bitcoin and gold.
If Bitcoin were to increase its market share from 20% to 50% over the next five years, that would
put prices just
above $100,000 per BTC, representing a 17% or 18% compound annualized return.
Kenneth Worthington, equity research analyst at JP Morgan, followed a client note on 7 January
2022, noting that
institutional and mainstream crypto adoption would continue to grow in 2022 [29] , and adding that Bitcoin is particularly well
designed as a modern
store of value , and the strong design has contributed to increased confidence
in the value of
Long-term conviction holders DCA in
Long-term, high-conviction Bitcoin holders have been undeterred by choppy markets, with recent
on-chain analysis
showing it is highly levered weak hands who have sold out at a loss.
Glassnode's ‘Hodler Net Position Change' graph demonstrates that long-term holders are continuing
to accumulate at
periods of Bitcoin price weakness, and suggesting that high-conviction term holders have been
dollar-cost averaging
(DCA) into Bitcoin, including the high-net-worth marginal buyers from the previous two years.
Positive (green) values mean coins are ageing at a higher rate than spending.
Typically bearish
conditions with long-term accumulation by high conviction buyers.
Negative (red) values show higher rates of spending, particularly from older
coins, outpacing
accumulation. This is frequently observed at the height of bull markets and at moments of total
capitulation when
older hands are more likely to relinquish holdings.
For institutional investors still on the sidelines - having watched Bitcoin retrace more than 40%
from its $69,000
all time high - now may be a more attractive long hold entry point.
On 30 December 2021 Michael Saylor's business software firm Microstrategy
(NASDAQ:MSTR) added 1,914
BTC [30] to the firm's holdings at an average $49,229
for a $94.2m outlay.
That makes the enterprise analytics company a $3.75bn HODLer with a $30,159 average. It does
rather beg the
question: In 10 years, will anyone remember that this was a business intelligence software
company, or more likely
that it was the canary in the coalmine for multinationals replacing cash with Bitcoin as a
treasury asset?
Canadian crypto miner Bitfarms announced [31] on 10
January 2022 it had
purchased 1,000 BTC for $43m at an average price of $43,200, just weeks after securing a $100m
credit facility [32] from Galaxy Digital, the merchant
bank that investors can find as a
major constituent of ETC Group's Digital Asset and Blockchain Equity UCITS ETF.
Billionaire value investor Bill Miller also recently came out to say that he holds 50% of his net
worth in Bitcoin
and related assets. Miller - lauded among private investors in the same hushed tones as Warren
Buffett and Peter
Lynch - bought his first Bitcoin at $200 and said he added heavily at the $30,000 region in the
summer of 2021.
That, co-incidentally, was after China first turned off the power to bitcoin miners, then banned
crypto transactions
altogether and the Bitcoin price fell from a then-high of $64,000 to bottom out at around
The billionaire said in a December 2021 interview [34]
with Wealthtrack:
Bitcoin has gone up, on average, 170% every year for the past 11 years , adding that he
has long-term
conviction enough to ride out the kind of volatility we are seeing now. Across that period
Bitcoin's price has three
times plummeted more than 80%. Mark Yusko, chief investment officer and founder of Morgan Creek
Asset Management
recently noted an interesting parallel [35] : that
Miller, is one of the
only investors on record to have bought Amazon shares at their IPO and held until today, despite
that share's
relative volatility.
Amazon has been a public company for 24 years. It's...compounded over 100% for 24 years.
How many bought Amazon
on day one and held it [until] today? I know of five. Jeff, his mom, his dad, his ex-wife,
and Bill Miller.
There are millions of people who have bought Amazon at different times. But why did no-one
buy and hold it that
whole period? Volatility. It's had a double-digit drawdown every single year, including this
year. Average? 31%
peak to trough. 5 times more than 50%. Twice, more than 90%. People can't handle that kind
of volatility and so
they shy away from it when they should be running towards it
Leverage remains an issue to be solved by regulators
There is still too much leverage in crypto as a whole, and too many daytraders employing
inadequate risk management
in what is, let's not forget, an 80-vol asset. (Some commentators peg Bitcoin as a 100-vol asset
[36] ). This is evidenced by the wide-scale long/short
position liquidation when Bitcoin
prices move to the downside and losses are magnified. We hope this can be solved by legislation
from financial
Source: Coinglass, 10 Jan
There is now proveably more capital involved in daytrading cryptomarkets than there was in 2020.
On 5 January where
the Bitcoin price dipped from $45.8k to $43.4k there were $637.68m of long/short trading
positions liquidated across
the top 10 cryptoassets. Leveraged liquidations then hit nearly $1bn overnight on 21 January as
Bitcoin blew through
support and fell from $40.6k to $36.4k.
Note: above chart shows
liquidations across all top 10
non-stablecoin cryptoassets: BTC, ETH, SOL, DOT, XRP, ADA, LUNA.
Tobias Adrian, director of the IMF's Monetary and Capital Markets Department, told Yahoo Finance
in a recent
interview [37] :
There's very little data at the moment, data disclosures are not standardized. Investors
often don't know how
much risk they're taking… There's little regulation around margin setting
Largely retail-focused cryptoexchanges like Binance, derivatives leader FTX and Huobi each offer
extreme leverage of
up 50x to new users, and while the 125x leverage [38]
of years past is not
as prevelant as it once was, these kinds of debt-based trading strategies still magnify losses
in the spot market
far more than is appropriate.
European regulators have committed to introducing a bloc-wide, cross-border regulatory framework
to support digital
assets by 2024 at the latest [39] . Stronger
regulations almost always
mean better protection for investors.
Over in the US, things are moving ever faster, and with good reason. The Biden administration is
reportedly moving
to release an executive order by February 2022 at the latest [40] to
outline a comprehensive government strategy on cryptoassets and to ask federal agencies to
prepare reports looking
at the risks and opportunities sector wide.
Where Bitcoin fits into the macro story
In a 7 October 2021 client note JP Morgan analysts reported that institutional investors were
increasingly moving
their wealth out of gold and into Bitcoin [41] .
The investment bank noted three key drivers behind the shift. Firstly, assurances by US
policymakers that there were
no plans to follow China to ban cryptoassets, secondly, the rise of Bitcoin's Layer 2 Lightning
Network helped by El
Salvador's bitcoin adoption, and thirdly, the re-emergence of inflation concerns among
investors has renewed
interest in the usage of bitcoin as an inflation hedge.
For financial markets, the massive global liquidity injections to support economies in the face
of the pandemic have
been one of the major underlying drivers of returns. But if ‘QE infinity' was indeed the reason
for the relentless
rise in Bitcoin, as well as stock markets, why, then, were returns from the asset so much higher
in 2021 than an
index tracking the S&P 500? Buying Bitcoin on January 1 and holding until mid-December 2021
would have returned 63%,
three times that of the American index.
The first steps taken to normalise monetary policy as the Covid-19 emergency fades are having
seismic effects on
markets and investors worldwide.
The Bank of England began buying government bonds
in March 2009 and after more than a decade of quantitative easing, now has almost £900bn
of government bonds
on its balance sheet.
According to research group The Atlantic Council [42]
, central banks
globally have pumped more than $25 trillion into the global economy, with $9 trillion since the
advent of Covid-19
To address the economic shock triggered by COVID-19, the world's four major central banks
have expanded their
QE programs by a total of $9.1 trillion to support their economies and the
functioning of
global financial markets. The four banks' new asset purchases have increased the size of
their cumulative
balance sheet by roughly 60 percent since the beginning of 2020.
The Atlantic Council , 2021 research
Unwinding such purchases will have far-reaching effects. Pre-Covid, the big four central banks:
the Federal Reserve,
the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank and the Bank of England were each beginning to pull
back on their
bond-buying programmes.
But the unprecedented economic shock of lockdowns and the pandemic mean that debt as a percentage
of GDP has rocketed
across these regions. Japanese debt has now reached 129% of GDP, and it remains to be seen how
long markets will
allow formerly cautious central banks to get away with paying lip-service to historic monetary
Two relevant statistics we keep returning to are these: 22% of all the US dollars in existence
today were created in
2020 [43] . Approximately 75% of all the US dollars
now in circulation
were created after Bitcoin was invented. See for reference the steep rise in M1 money
supply as recorded by
the St Louis Fed below.
With ever more money chasing the same
number of assets, it
is no surprise that equity markets rocketed to record highs. And yet across Q4 and 2021 as a
whole Bitcoin continued
to outperform.
Gold is traditionally the go-to store of value in times of economic troubles, but in the most
inflationary period in
recent history, it has failed not only to attract new investors but even to maintain its store
of value.
The precious metal lost around 4% of its value across 2021, and in an end-of-2021 round up
Reuters reported
lacklustre demand [44] from investors for its safe
haven properties.
This disconnect is driving the growing interest in bitcoin.
Emerging Markets also the engine of Bitcoin adoption
While recent Bitcoin prices have fallen from their all-time-highs and its moves with respect to
equities have led
some to question its correlation with stock markets, the fact is that countries with rampant
inflation and local
currency duation are seeing exponentially larger numbers of Bitcoin holders and increased
cryptocurrency adoption in
Take for example, Ukraine.
Figures accessed via government data provider Opendatabot [45] show that
civil servants in the country have formally declared owning a total of 46,351 BTC (worth $1.83bn
12 at
time of writing). Bitcoin holders range from government-employed workers in the smallest
district and regional
assemblies to those working for the Ministry of Defence.
The annual inflation rate in Ukraine as of the end of Q4 2021 [46] was
In the trans-European/western Asian country of Turkey, where inflation rates have skyrocketed to
36% as of the end of
Q4 2021 [47] , the highest since September 2002,
Bitcoin adoption and
usage has been increasing rapidly.
In fact, Bitcoin trades topped 1 million per day in the face of local currency duation,
according to Reuters [48] .
Converting lira into US dollars or gold is common for Turks, who have seen the currency
lose 90% of its value
since 2008. But with Ankara looking to make those practices harder…crypto trading has gained
in popularity.
Worries about Turkey's economic policy have seen the lira slump nearly 40% since September,
driving Turks to
look for places to park their savings to avoid the effects of soaring inflation
Marc Jones and Tom Wilson , Reuters, 12 Dec 2021
Since 2019 both Bitcoin and stablecoin Tether are the most popular assets to trade against the
Turkish lira, data
shared with Reuters shows.
This analysis is borne out by broader research published in Q4 by Chainalysis [49] , which shows global crypto adoption now 881% higher than it
was one year ago.
In emerging markets, many turn to cryptocurrency to preserve their savings in the face of
currency duation,
send and receive remittances and carry out business transactions, while adoption in North
America, Western
Europe and Eastern Asia over the last year has been powered largely by institutional
Chainalysis Global Crypto Adoption Index , 14 Oct 2021
These results show that the top 20 countries seeing the fastest crypto adoption are emerging
markets like India and
Brazil. Emerging markets are typified by rapid economic growth and a growing share of global
Source: Chainalysis Global
Adoption Index
Even in more relatively static economies, like Bulgaria, which has seen its own inflation jump
to a 13-year high [50] of 7.8% as of the end of Q4
2021, public figures own significant
amounts of Bitcoin.
According to local data, the Bulgarian government tops the list of authorities that hold the
cryptocurrency, with
213,519 BTC recorded on file [51] . That far outstrips
headline-producing El Salvador, whose holdings according to public record stands at 9,500 BTC [52] .
Finland and Georgia round out the top five Bitcoin-owning governments.
As of the end of Q4 2021, 7.2% of the entire bitcoin supply -- 1.5m BTC, $55bn-worth at time of
writing -- was held
by ETFs, ETPs like ETC Group's BTCE, sovereign wealth funds, and on the balance sheets of public
and private
companies [53] .
The South American angle
Brazil's recent fascination with Bitcoin is worth repeating here.
As the second-largest city in Brazil, and the third-largest in South America, Rio de Janeiro has
quite considerable
purchasing power and political influence in the region. With a GDP of $169.1bn [54] it is also the fourth-richest city in Latin America, behind
Mexico City, Sao Paolo
and Buenos Aires. So it was no surprise to see headlines globally when mayor Eduardo Paes
announced during Rio
Innovation Week on 14 January 2021 that the city's municipal treasury would move 1% of its
assets into Bitcoin and
other cryptoassets [55] .
According to the country's central bank, the total amount of cryptoassets held by Brazilians
totalled $50bn in 2021,
compared to $16bn held in US stocks and shares [56] .
Paes' move is part of a wider scheme to locate Rio de Janiero as Brazil's ‘crypto capital',
attracting wealthy
businesses to its shores. Recent reports quoting insiders suggest that Brazil's only national
stock exchange B3 is
planning to enter crypto markets in 2022, potentially launching a crypto ETF [57] .
And as recently as October 2021, the Brazilian Congress was considering legislation to regulate
enacting industry-standard KYC procedures and strengthening local powers to prosecute
crypto-related crimes [58] .
At the same time, Brazil - like most economic powerhouses worldwide - is struggling to keep
inflation in check.
Recent data via the government statistics authority IBRE pegs 2021 annual inflation at 10.06% [59] , more than double its 2020 figure of 4.5% and
the highest the country has seen in
six years.
Bitcoin's investment status as an inflation hedge has come under question as, since the back end
of 2021 and turn of
2022, it has appeared to move more in tune with equities and behave more like a risk-on asset.
But there is no doubt
that inflation-hit countries see the thesis playing out long-term.
It's still early
Let us not forget what Bitcoin offers in a world addicted to quantitative easing. Not
our assessment, but
that of the United Kingdom's House of Lords, which made the extraordinary accusation in a recent
challenge to the
Bank of England's relentless money-printing.
In a scathing report, Lord Forsyth of Drumlean, chair of the country's Economic Affairs
Committee, argued [60] :
The Bank of England has
become addicted to quantitative
easing. It appears to be its answer to all the country's economic problems and by the end of
2021, the Bank will
own an eye-watering £857bn ($1.2trn) of government bonds.
According to data provider Glassnode, by mid-Q4, the number of non-zero Bitcoin balances reached
a record high of
38.73 million [61] . And yet, despite the stunning
performance of the
technology to date, it is still early days for Bitcoin investors. A little over 220 million
people own
cryptocurrencies in one form or another [62] , around
2.75% of the world's
More pertinently, the total Bitcoin market cap of as of the end of Q4 2021 [63] - $890bn - was just a tiny fraction of other financial assets.
There are approximately 201,296 tonnes of above-ground gold, according to the World Gold Council,
making the world's
supply of precious metal worth approximately $11.8trn at current market rates. At the top of the
pile is debt: the
total global sovereign bond market represents $63.4trn in market value.
It is worth a reminder, given how quickly crypto markets move - and how price euphoria can switch
to abject
depression - that the total market cap of all cryptoassets only crossed $1 trillion for the
first time on 29 January
2021, and made the same move above $2 trillion three months later. We are still feeling the
after-effects of such a
swift rise to prominence today.
The data shows that Bitcoin is a more popular store of value than ever before.
It is increasingly integrated with the wider world financial system and adoption is in its
relatively early stages.
But the network's efficiency is growing, quarter on quarter. While its legal tender status in El
Salvador is likely
to remain an outlier, institutional investors are increasingly of the opinion that the asset
class cannot be ignored
as a 50-year or 100-year financial technology bet.
So, whether it comes in the form of increased adoption in emerging markets, or simple hedging to
protect savings in a
world of rampant inflation, Bitcoin remains an intriguing, deflationary-by-design portfolio
Questo articolo non costituisce consulenza finanziaria, né rappresenta un'offerta o un invito all'acquisto di prodotti finanziari. Questo articolo è solo a scopo informativo generale, e non vi è alcuna assicurazione o garanzia esplicita o implicita sulla correttezza, accuratezza, completezza o correttezza di questo articolo o delle opinioni in esso contenute. Si consiglia di non fare affidamento sulla correttezza, accuratezza, completezza o correttezza di questo articolo o delle opinioni in esso contenute. Si prega di notare che questo articolo non costituisce né consulenza finanziaria né un'offerta o un invito all'acquisizione di prodotti finanziari o criptovalute.
Gli investitori potenziali dovrebbero cercare consulenza indipendente e prendere in considerazione le informazioni rilevanti contenute nel prospetto base e nelle condizioni finali degli ETP, in particolare i fattori di rischio menzionati in essi. Il capitale investito è a rischio, e le perdite fino all'importo investito sono possibili. Il prodotto è soggetto a un rischio controparte intrinseco nei confronti dell'emittente degli ETP e può subire perdite fino a una perdita totale se l'emittente non adempie ai suoi obblighi contrattuali. La struttura legale degli ETP è equivalente a quella di un titolo di debito. Gli ETP sono trattati come altri strumenti finanziari.